Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Is Ministry Good Medicine?

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My wife and I are privileged and blessed to have a wonderful personal physician whose wife is a nurse. Both are among our closest friends. He is a long-time supporter of Master's, and his wife is an alumna of MIUD with a degree in Biblical Counseling.

He has been practicing medicine for nearly forty years, but every year he participates in continuing education courses. These courses not only keep him current on what's new in medicine, but they also keep him refreshed in the basics.

During the years of the COVID-19 outbreak, he saved countless lives. Recently, I thanked him for all he has done and is doing, to save lives, and improve the quality of life for his patients.

He thanked me, and said, "What I do is important, but what you do is more important." "How is that?" I asked. His response shocked me.

He said, "What I do is good for only a few years of earth life, but what you do is good for earth life and eternity. What is more important - a few years on earth or eternity?" That response was eye-opening!

Here is what I mean. After more than many years of gloom, doom, and death due to the global pandemic, and terrible wars that threaten to spill over in the most destructive way, I realized once again that in the midst of all things uncertain in this world, Christian ministry is not only good medicine, it is the only treatment that lasts for eternity.

If you are a Christian minister or feel called by God to enter some field of ministry, your service is eternal in nature. Therefore, your training should be adequate, and ongoing. Just as my personal physician keeps current with continuing education, and his wife, though already a registered nurse felt called to go on for a degree in Biblical Counseling, we too should be so resolved.

As you already know, the body, soul, and spirit are precious gifts from God. The Apostle Paul (whose traveling companion and close friend St. Luke, was a noted physician), wrote this: "Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ" (I Thessalonians 5:23 NASV).

Yes, Christian ministry is good medicine, and as practitioners of the faith, we are called to no less a higher standard of initial and continuing ministry education. 

At Master's we are doing everything within our power to bring the highest quality and most reasonably priced initial and ongoing ministry education to the doorstep of your computer keyboard. 

The savings in tuition dollars, no travel cost, super low prices for textbooks, and full service by staff and faculty, make it possible to be our very best as we minister to those who will live only a few years of earth life, but forever in eternity. Give them your best!

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Dennis D. Frey, M.Div., Th.D., President,

Master's International University of Divinity